Let me start out by simply saying: BUY the BOOK BELOW!!! If you get that much, just go click on the link below and get to processing your purchase. In 2 days (in between dealing with bronchitis, a daughter with a stomach virus, a sub that didn't like my sub plans, and figuring out how in the world to get my testing done) this book has CHANGED the way I plan to 'attack' Anchor Charts, my biggest foe.
I went from
Now all I have to do is implement the ideas in class this week!
The two biggest things I struggle with at school is 1) time management and expectations other than teaching and 2) great anchor charts. Because of #1 I don't have #2 and when trying for #2 I can't because of #1. Got that??
I have to admit that I HATE copying what other teachers do in their classroom <unless it is a really great idea hehe>. But, let me tell you, I have resorted a few times to having a print out of a great Anchor Chart beside me as I began one with my class. I used to think that was cheating. Then I thought it was probably helping me and my kiddos. And then I concluded, it was pretty dang smart because with it, my organization and the intent behind the chart would be out the door.
This year so far, when I haven't been testing <ahem> I have tried to make some 'neat' charts. I talk a lot about having sloppy copies and that I can go back <or we as a class can> to make the charts look nice later on. It rarely happens because of #1. It's not that I am a slacker....I keep telling this to myself....it is because I am a tester, nurse, social worker, 'wanna be' super hero that can save all kids, and I like to be innovative.
So....thus, started my search for learning how to do great Anchor Charts the first time around. And then....
I found Smarter Charts
on the Amazon website the other day when checking out the F/P updates. I grabbed it right then because it looked like a great tool.
I couldn't wait to get it in the mail because there are some books that you just KNOW are going to help you. And I was write. I've had it for 2 days now and I keep reading it over and over, letting it all soak in. With all of its pictures and all, it is a very easy read, too.
In this book you get around 30-40 Anchor Chart ideas, complete with instructions and little ideas that help you go from Sloppy Copy to at least a Hang-able Change-able!!!
The authors, Margorie Martinelli and Kristine Mroz suggest:
1. A Good Chart Title
2. Use abstract material to make it understandable
3. Use pictures to grab attention
4. Use large post-its or color paper cut to size with a glue stick that lets you remove the paper
5. Use student work to show the goals of writers.
Long story short....you NEED this book!!